March 2022 Member of the Month- Jordan C.


Name: Jordan Causley Age: 23

What do you do when you're not at Callie Co. Wellness? I work, I’m a wife, and chase my two wild kids around

What are your goals and why did you start classes at Callie Co. Wellness? My goals and why I started are the same. I wanted to become healthier, stronger, and more confident.

What would you say to someone who is nervous about trying a class? Just GO! EVERYONE has to start somewhere, you’ll feel great after. Callie is so knowledgeable and can help with whatever is holding you back or modifying the workout.

What motivates you during a tough workout? Definitely the girls and Callie. Having everyone push through a workout and supporting you.


Each month I will be selecting a member that is dedicated, works hard, and supports others in the class as the Member of the Month. I’m so excited to announce our second member of the month is Jordan! She is always willing to try something new, gives 100% in class, and makes sure she takes her turn on the assault bike ;) She is a great representation of Member of the Month.

Congratulations, Jordan, you’ve earned this!


EPOC or Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption


Ascent Protein- HOw to recover post-workout