June 2022 member of the Month

Name: Amanda Gaynier

Age: 39

What do you do when you're not at Callie Co. Wellness? Spend time with my family and teach out in Brimley.

What are your goals and why did you start classes at Callie Co. Wellness? I have a current goal of being able to do a pull-up without assistance. I checked out classes at Callie Co Wellness to try something new and instantly fell in love. The level of support and community that has been built is unlike anything I've ever experienced. I also love that anyone can join a class; there aren't restrictions and any movement is modified to your level and ability to push you to be your best self.

What is one thing you have done since starting at Callie Co. that you never thought you could do? I would say my proudest moment was getting a deadlift at 185#!

What would you say to someone who is nervous about trying a class? Just try one class, you won't be disappointed!

Callie’s Comments: Amanda is so consistent and an absolute gem. I’ve been working with her in class and one on one for nutrition and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. Amanda has grown so much and become a stronger person physically and mentally! She knows she can do hard things, she trusts the process, gets results, and works extremely hard to accomplish her goals. Also she is the #1 class treat provider, sweet potato brownies…YUM.

Amanda, I hope you are so proud of yourself for all of the hard work you’ve put in and the goals you’ve accomplished along the way. I can’t wait to see where the rest of your journey takes you! Supporting you always, Callie.


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