800gChallenge® at Callie Co. Wellness

Our first nutrition challenge is here!

We are excited to announce our first nutrition challenge: the #800gChallenge®. 

What is the #800gChallenge®? 

The #800gChallenge® is a fun and inclusive twist on eating healthy. First, there are NO foods to eliminate. That’s right! All you have to do is eat 800 grams, by weight, of the fruits and vegetables of your choice each day. And then you continue to eat whatever else you want. Why 800 grams? It’s a simplified way to get all those servings of fruits and vegetables that are associated with health. 

This Challenge is Unique

Not only do you focus on what to add to the diet (not eliminate), we are using the Wodify Rise app to distribute nutrition content throughout the challenge. You’ll get educational tips and real-time leader boarding to see where you stack up! 

This challenge was created in 2017 by EC Synkowski of OptimizeMe Nutrition, a Certified Nutrition Specialist® who has educated thousands of individuals on nutrition. 

Why a Challenge At All? 

Yes, you come to our affiliate for the workouts but nutrition is as important as working out for the results most people want. And a challenge can provide that same group atmosphere that’s motivational for workouts. Join us and learn something new about your nutrition!




March 7th- April 3rd

Ok, Ok, I’m In!

Great! Sign-up HERE

Once you sign up, you’ll get a confirmation email and instructions to download the Wodify Rise App. We officially start on Monday, March 7th.


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