The Hierarchy of Fat Loss

Let me start by saying I think your body is beautiful and I hope you appreciate all the things it does for you. I do know that many people want fat loss or to “tone up” so I am here to give some sustainable, evidence-based, real human information. I do not want to see you buying another diet pill, too good to be true piece of equipment or trying a restrictive diet.

Losing fat in a sustainable and healthy way is about much more than just adding more exercise.

#1 Nutrition

To lose body fat you must be in an energy deficit. You can reduce how much you consume or increase your expenditure through exercise or movement. There is a sweet spot for energy deficit- making sure you are eating enough of the right foods, so you don’t have massive cravings or binges, is really important.

#2 Sleep

Sleep is the bedrock (see what I did there) of health. Lack of sleep impacts your hormones, ability to handle stress, appetite, energy, ability to train hard and recover well, and your mood to name a few.

#3 Stress

More stress keeps your body in fight or flight making it more difficult to sleep, eat well and recover.

#4 Movement

If you sit 8+ hours a day you are not moving enough. Get up and walk to fill your water bottle every hour, take your dog for a walk, or hop on the trampoline with the kids. Move as often as possible during the day.

#5 Training

This is important for building and keeping muscle, gaining confidence, improving bone density, and keeping your heart healthy. Strength training, moderate-intensity cardio, and high-intensity training are best for fat loss. You can get all of that at Callie Co. Wellness in the Cardio and Strength class & Cardio & Strength Lite class.

If you are interested in learning more set up a consultation with me here!


800gChallenge® at Callie Co. Wellness


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