April 2022 Member of the month- Travis F

I’m so excited to announce this month’s member of the month, Travis! He is one of the most consistent members in classes and has improved each day. He was pressured into our fruits and veggies challenge in March and went from never eating them to WINNING the challenge! Travis is training for a marathon in May and I am so excited to see how strong he is! Thanks for showing up, working hard, and trusting the process, Travis.

Name: Travis Forfinski  Age: 40

What do you do when you're not at Callie Co. Wellness? 

Enjoy time with my best friend Mandy and our two boys, Garrett & Hudson. 

What are your goals and why did you start classes at Callie Co. Wellness? 

To be intentional about improving my overall health & wellbeing.  My current fitness goal is to run my first full marathon next month in under 4 hours. 

What would you say to someone who is nervous about trying a class? 

The hardest part is walking through the door. After that, the motivation of your peers and Callie makes it easier. The class structure is easy to follow with clear instructions along the way where the time goes by very fast. Plus, your hard work will yield positive results quicker than anticipated. 

What motivates you during a tough workout? 

Being closer to my end goals and understanding the pain/struggle of a tough workout is a necessary means to a longer & healthier life. 


May 2022 Member of the Month- Alyson T.


Weight gain & Menopause