May 2022 Member of the Month- Alyson T.

Name: Alyson Taylor. Age: 27

What do you do when you're not at Callie Co. Wellness? When I'm not at class I spend my time with my family. Some of our favorite hobbies include camping, yard work, hunting pinecones, and having movie nights. I also spend a lot of my time in the summer helping to coordinate Pickford Hay Days.

What are your goals and why did you start classes at Callie Co. Wellness? I started attending classes at Callie Co Wellness because I needed to do something to help with my anxiety and winter blues. Classes have allowed me to decompress which in turn has allowed me to become a less frazzled mom, partner, co-worker, and friend. Moving forward, my goals are fairly simple; I want to be able to keep up with my toddler and make sure I'm doing everything I can to live a long, comfortable life. Also, it would feel pretty empowering to do five pull-ups unassisted. :)

What would you say to someone who is nervous about trying a class? The idea of starting something new can be debilitating. I struggle first hand with over-thinking and pausing on my choices because of the "what ifs". The best feeling about walking into class is knowing that every person in that gym is on their own path. No one is going to notice you didn't complete the 60 squats or 40 burpees. Your accomplishments, no matter their size, will be cheered for with this gym family and that is THE BEST feeling.

What motivates you during a tough workout? The second day pain, which sounds funny I know. It's a nice reminder that you did something for your body to make it stronger and healthier.

Any other comments? I'm grateful that Callie CO came to Pickford. I hope others can take part and feel how empowering it is to do something for your body. Prioritize your own health, you will not regret that decision ever.

I can not thank Alyson enough for believing in me, supporting my business, and trusting the process. She has been consistent since day one of Callie Co. Wellness and she has changed mentally and physically. When Alyson started she would head for the 5 or 10-pound dumbbells each workout and now she consistently uses the 20s! She supports her classmates with enthusiasm and excitement and is always down to try whatever class throws at her. She even participates in crazy extracurricular activities like sled drags haha. Alyson, I hope you step back and reflect on all of the hard work you’ve done since January and are so proud of yourself, you totally deserve this!-Callie


Fit after 50


April 2022 Member of the month- Travis F