February 2022 Member of the Month- Kaye r.

Each month I will be selecting a member that is dedicated, works hard and supports others in the class as the Member of the Month. I can not think of a better person than Kaye! She has been the most consistent member and gives 100% effort to each class. When Kaye finishes her workout she is always there to cheer on classmates who are finishing. She is the perfect representation of Member of the Month.

Congratulations, Kaye, you deserve it!

Learn more about her below!


Name: Kaye Rutledge Age: 38
What do you do when you are not at the gym? When I am not in class I am typically working or doing something with my kids.

What are your goals? To work on becoming healthier physically and mentally.

What motivates you during a tough workout? I just set small goals in my head.

What would you say to someone who is nervous about trying a class?
I love that she keeps the classes small and we are always encouraging each other. Callie is amazing and will modify anything.



Knee pain when running?

