What to expect in your first functional fitness class

When you walk into the door you will be greeted by the front desk attendant! They will have you sign your waiver, take your payment and answer any general questions you have. We suggest arriving 10 minutes early to your first class to give time to take care of your paperwork and change into your workout shoes.

At the start of class, your coach will explain the workout of the day and let you know what equipment you will need for class. Your coach will lead you through warm-up by demoing the movements and offering any modifications you may need. This is a great time to talk to your coach about any injuries and your energy level for the day.

After a general warm-up class will shift to specific movements used in the workout of the day. The best part of a functional fitness class is that anyone can join no matter your experience or fitness level. All movements can be modified to get you YOUR best workout.

You will end class with a quick cool-down.


  • Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable and dress in layers so that you can take them off as you warm-up

  • Drink lots of water before, during, and after class

  • Eat an extra serving of protein to help your muscles recover

  • It is normal to feel nervous- you will be supported by your coach and awesome community

  • Bring a positive attitude


After My first Class


Classes starting January 10th