After My first Class

Hey there! So you did it, you tried your first class. What can you expect after and what tips do I have for you?

  1. Soreness- It is very common to be sore after your first class. If you find yourself wishing for a taller toilet you are not alone and this DOES NOT mean you are not ready for class participation. It just means you used your muscles in a way you haven’t in years or maybe ever. Soreness is okay and the best way to help your soreness is to keep moving. Go for a walk, take another class, or stretch it out at home. You can expect to be sore for 2-3 weeks of consistently attending classes and then it will taper. I also recommend drinking extra fluid and eating extra protein.

  2. Accomplished- You just successfully made it through a really tough workout. BE PROUD! Keep your good feelings flowing, share your success with a friend, or post about it on social media.

  3. Extra Hungry- You may feel extra hungry after a workout and even the next day. Your body is asking you for a bit more fuel for your next intense workout. Add an extra serving of fruits and veggies to each meal and make sure you eat breakfast!

The number one key to success is consistency. Coming to class 2 or 3 times per week you will see your success quicker!

You can schedule your spot in class here!




What to expect in your first functional fitness class